Testnet Usage Estimates

Bitcoin Nodes

It is recommend that each validator runs 3 bitcoin nodes in different geographical locations, as validity gadget relies on these nodes to detect forks in the Bitcoin network.

Running a full bitcoin node can be heavy on the storage. so a validator can opt to run 2 pruned nodes and at least one full node.

In Nyks testnet there are 2 Bitcoin pruned node and 1 fullnode. Below are current testnet cost approximations:

Pruned Node : 14$/month : 2 GB Memory / 1 AMD vCPUs / 40 GB Disk

Full Node : 24$/month : 4 GB Memory / 2 AMD vCPUs / 80 GB Disk

Additional Storage For FullNode : 80$/month : 800Gb

Recommended : Same as above (increase Storage as needed)

Total: 80 + 24 +14 + 14 = 132$


ForkScanner uses Postgres DB which will grow in size overtime. It is currently deployed on a shared server with other Nyks Testnet processes.

Full Validator Server (Testnet) : 24$/month : 4 GB Memory / 2 AMD vCPUs / 80 GB Disk

Recommended : 24$/month : 4 GB Memory / 2 AMD vCPUs / 80 GB Disk (Stand Alone)

Last updated